Created by
Affirmation Alpaca
Give Great Presentations
- Giving this presentation will be fun and exciting.
- I am a powerful inspiring speaker.
- I am an engaging speaker and people enjoy listening to me speak.
- I am comfortable on camera.
- I am confident and comfortable.
- I am courageous on this stage.
- I am more and more comfortable speaking in front of others.
- I can clearly communicate the vision to my audience.
- I can clearly communicate.
- I can confidently answer questions.
- I connect with the audience so naturally.
- I enjoy presenting and sharing my ideas.
- I find speaking to groups energizing and exciting.
- I have so much to say and I can't wait to share it.
- My audience will feel inspired and ready to take action after my presentation.
- My message is so important and the group wants to receive it.
- My presentation will invoke action from the audience.
- My words can have a positive effect on other people.
- There's a powerful flow of energy between me and the audience.
- Today I am fearless.
- Today I'm making a difference.
- Words and thoughts come to me effortlessly.